
Our state-accredited Master's Degree in "Linguistic Engineering" is jointly offered by 3 Paris-based universities, namely Paris 3, Paris 10 and INaLCO. It offers post-graduate training over a period of 2 years: year 1 (known as M1) is devoted to the basics of linguistic engineering, particularly programming, linguistics, syntax, encoding, semantics while year 2 (known as M2) offers to focus either on "Multilingual Engineering" -which requires good programming skills- or "Compiter-Assisted Tools and Information Management" -which requires foreign language and translation skills.


Our programme aims to give students the skills required for linguistic engineering projects. After graduation, students work in such fields as translating, technical writing, e-learning, multilingual data base management, software development, multilingual search, business and technological intelligence, knowledge engineering and management, text mining...


Some of the courses of year 1 (M1) are shared by students from Paris 3, Paris 10 and INaLCO. Such is the case of "Computing in a Multilingual Environment", "Project-Oriented Programming", "Parallel and Comparable Corpora", "Computing and Phonetics", "Statistical Text Processing", "Mark-up Languages", "Syntax" and "Linguist-Oriented Data Base Management". These courses are liable to be taught at any of our three sites, Paris 3, Paris 10 or INaLCO. A specific site, plurital, gathers information about them. The first year of the Master's usually starts at the beginning of October and finishes around May 15th.


In year 2 (M2), all courses are taught at INaLCO. The academic year usually starts in early October and finishes at the end of April. All students have to do a 3-month -or longer- internship. They also have to write a final dissertation, the topic of which is nurtured over the course of the second semester. Both this dissertation and its public defence feature prominently in how students' work is assessed. Only a very good assessment will make it possible to be considered for our PhD programme.